Cheru Resmi Centre (CRC)

Cheru Resmi Centre (CRC) means “The small Ray of Light” was started by ICM sisters in collaboration with local women leaders.  CRC is registered under Travancore Cochin Charitable Societies Act  (Reg. No.220/87). The main aim is to eradicate poverty, illiteracy, unemployment in the coastal area and to work for the integral development of the community.

Mission and Vision :

It is a women’s organization founded and run by women with the aim of all round development of fisher people especially women and children by empowering them to  rise up and face challenges to build a new society where  there is no distinction based on caste creed  and gender, we look forward to a society where  equality justice and peace prevails. CRC aims at the integral development of the community through people’s awareness, their education, their organization, their strength and their Action. An integral all inclusive  development of community with local resources, and a participatory approach is the most basic principles of development adopted by CRC.  An integral , development of coastal area with gender  justice, equality and economic self sufficiency.

Who we are :

Cheru Resmi means “The small Ray of Light” was started by the missionary sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary known as ICM sisters. CRC was registered by late Sr. Rose P. V in on 18 March 1987 under Travancore Cochin Charitable societies Act. This society work with active participation and leadership  of women leaders of the locality.

 What we do :

We respond to the emerging needs of the fishing community by penetrating in to the lives of community and sharing their problems. Though the women plays a key role in the economy of the fishing community, there is a strong patriarchal attitude, which keeps the women victims of violence. Alcoholism,  unemployment,  domestic violence and child abuse, suicide tendencies, anti social activities etc. are some of the  social problems prevalent among the coastal community. Alcohol-related diseases  like heart problem , lung problems and grievousness ailments like cancer are very common in the area. A good number of men die young with accidents while fishing at sea, leaving behind a high number of young widows living in dire poverty without  a source  income.

 Our Approach :

We believe in creating awareness among the people to stand together to get their legitimate rights in and  through peaceful means by people’s organization and strength. We work for the formation of various groups such as women, the widows, the elderly, the youth, children etc. Our means are through campaigns, advocacy and people movements to net working  and to  rally together to achieve their goals.